Not Yours or Mine, but OURS!

Modern-Marriage-SeeSaw2Good morning lovely PAIRents and to be PAIRents…

Though I have subtly,  directly or indirectly, touched on this thought,  but I still tend to talk about this…

A few days ago,  I was out with my family for shopping,  little one was sleeping in his pram and elder one was resting, after too much walking around, with husband at a coffee shop and I was at a store for some last few things to be picked up. What caught my attention, as I headed to the ladies section in a garment store,  two fathers were baby sitting their kids,  from toddler to slightly elder,  on the steps of the store.  Even more beautiful,  one of the father,  was feeding his toddler cutie,  her lunch.  Interacting,  engaging her with his talks, it was a beautiful sight to see how the father was pro in doing what he was doing,  a sight slightly unusual.  Unusual because one would normally see,  a mom,  granny or nanny doing this task of feeding.

The other father was watching his two grown up Kids, who were busy reading (yes you read it write,  READING) their story books.

Felt so good to see how these fathers (including my husband)  were playing an equal role to take over tasks from the moms, so they could finish their personal bit peacefully.

Yes,  it is important to embed  in our minds,  equal distribution of tasks and time will make the journey, only a pleasant one.  Yes,  we have to be prepared for comprising a little on OUR time as most of it is going to revolve around the schedule of the kids.  But dividing it equally, just eases it.  We as a couple decided to welcome the little one into this world,  why should it then be all of the new mother to manage it alone.  She too was born with the child.  Pairental instincts are the strongest,  father or mother. Vibes from the PAIRents work the best for the kids.

Hence,  all you new PAIRents out there, work towards the upbringing together.  Take inspiration from your surroundings. Pls keep in mind all you Fathers,  your trip to office and back,  gives you a lot of time for yourself, but a new mother,  cuts off everything else for her to keep her little one comfortable.  Hence,  when you come home,  offer your support in whichever way possible even though you may have to stretch yourself a bit. The new mother has been doing it from the time she got pregnant.

It’s a beautiful journey out there PAIRents,  enjoy every moment of it together….

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2 thoughts on “Not Yours or Mine, but OURS!”

  1. Nice one Swati…. nicely written. It’s a shame if some fathers/mothers see raising child as a task 😦 As tiring as it is, nothing compares to the unconditional love you get in return 🙂 and free cuddles and hugs 🙂 If as a parent some fathers/mothers that can’t/ don’t enjoy bonding with their children… the only thing I feel is pity on them 🙂

    1. Absolutely babe well said… That precious smile and as u said that unconditional love… What else would one want in life… Blessed are the pairents who are born with their kids…

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