Don’t feel guilty… 

As a new PAIRent,  you are a platter of an emotional salad… The fact that you are experiencing new feelings,  moments,  discussions, at the end of it, at times leaves you more confused than sorted.  But trust me, just follow your beautiful pairental instincts.  They work right most of the time.  

Some of us are blessed to be surrounded by some really beautiful experienced set of pairents to pass on the knowledge some are distant and may miss them around. But since we are emotionally drained at this point of time,  certain reactions are but natural.

A new mother will definitely have her bouts of anger,  frustration, her immediate reaction to shut someone up,  weep, feel merry and jolly, but all this is normal.  And here the new father is one of the greatest support.

If you remember what I had written in my previous blogs,  no matter what, just EXPRESS. It is important that you don’t hold on to all the feelings within and pile it up fearing some unnecessary reactions.  This may end up eating you up more within and make you feel vulnerable to situations. Rather let them out and feel positive as your little one just needs that.

Baby blues at times are normal.  You may want someone to be with you to share the space at that moment as you may want to take a quick nap. You may want someone to hold the baby for a while as you want to just stretch a bit. You may want someone to attend to your bundle of joy as you haven’t had a chance to listen to your favorite number for a while.  It is absolutely OK to feel this.

Here is where the new daddies can offer their bit emotionally and physically …

Let the new mommy take some time off to catch up on her favorite TV show

Let her take a chill while you take up the responsibility of changing the diaper (there is no reason,  you cannot and you better not feel yuck! about it)

Let her engage in a peaceful conversation with one of her friends to just talk it out

Let her enjoy a nice shower while you take up the responsibility of attending to the cutie

These small ways, you as new pairents will be a massive support to each other.  And all you mommies out there,  don’t ever feel GUILTY about any feeling,  its but natural to feel so… Its a part and parcel of the journey of motherhood.

As we all know,  born with the kids are the PAIRents,  and we are all evolving gradually…


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6 thoughts on “Don’t feel guilty… ”

  1. Kajal Jaiswal

    Thank you Swathi!!
    I feel relaxed reading this – It is okay to not be okay.
    I think we should share this blog link with all the newbe fathers 😊

    1. I am glad that you like it and are relating to the blog. and pls do share it with the new daddy too…pls ask him to follow the page, a lot of insights he will get to read…:) hope you are doing well dear….

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