It’s all about balance!

Good morning all you lovely Pairents and to-be-Pairents…..
Hope you all are enjoying your journey of Pairenthood! 🙂 Had been extremely busy juggling between work,  home,  kids and other chores… But no complaints,  life is treating well… Thanks to my lovely two boys and my supportive husband…

Being busy is good,  but that needs to be complimented well with some good rest and peace and this is important for kids too…
I agree it is difficult for an infant to be trained to a particular schedule but once they enter the toddlerhood it is good and important to start introducing good time schedule so that it helps the pairents with quality time too to catch up on things. Most important the aspect of discipline is introduced at an early age for the little one.
If your little one is an early riser,  engage with him/her through a small walk out in the sun, followed by a nice bath followed with a nice breakfast.  Right from the beginning,  make it a habit for the child to eat only in his high chair or table or floor, at any one place that becomes his/her eating place.  They have to know, if they have to eat,  there is a designated place for that activity.  It is an effort in the beginning, but once embedded it is extremely well set for the future and you will see the beautiful results.  A small nap in the first half to just refresh is a good habit.. followed by some more playing and a good lunch then. Then a good rest with some nice afternoon sleep which will be slightly longer.  This sleep helps them prepare for the energy demand for the evening play.  Following a good evening play,  dinner and good story book read,  invest time in tucking your little one into bed.  Again the concept of going to sleep will be time consuming but needs to begin at some point and this age is a good to introduce the same.  You may take an hour at times to put the little one to sleep,  but sing to them,  feed them to sleep,  let them hear some stories…but keep trying.  You will also have days,  when they will just not want to sleep,  in which case let them play again for a while,  then begin the process again.  Yet another thing to do,  pretend that you are sleeping and encourage your little one to sleep too.
Pairents, pls note,  kids are not born with any habits,  they are introduced by us. We are, whom they follow,  hence we have to set right examples for them to follow.  It isn’t easy but it is a beautiful learning experience for all,  the kids and the pairents…so take it easy and enjoy the journey.  Nothing is a rule book but it is an effort mixed with a lot of patience and positivity for a beautiful creation….
With the kids born are the pairents and it is upto us to make the path ahead encouraging for the kids and us…
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4 thoughts on “It’s all about balance!”

    1. feedback like this just keeps me going and giving me the confidence that someone out there is able to relate. thank you my love…appreciate you taking time and reading it…muaaa…so much I picked up from your parenting skills when Siddharth was a baby….thank you.

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