Baby, Mind and Body that’s it! 

baby-child-newborn-arms-47219Good morning lovely people!

Been a few days I could pen down something,  missed it. 😊

So yeah,  as the title goes,  for a new mother, her mind and body are her priorities after her beautiful little one.  Exhaustion is a by product for the mother after the birth of her child,  and here is where the Pairenting concept comes stronger.  The new father has to offer all his support whenever around to the mommy,  right from attending to the crying baby in his/her crib, bed or cradle and handing over to the mother for nursing. Mind you Pairents! even this basic a support to each other is extremely helpful for the mommy. While nursing the mother will have her thirst pangs, so all you fathers, stand next to her with a glass of water whenever you are around.

And all you new or would be mommies, pls keep one thing in mind,  your body has undergone an immense change for the entire 9 months while it was preparing to offer all the comfort for the new creation.  You cared for your body a lot all the 9 months,  it still needs your support after the birth,  as it has to undergo yet another change once the baby is in your arms.  Don’t ignore your body and continue caring for it just the way you always did.

Your mind and body need to rest well.  Physically and emotionally you are drained, hence work towards resting and sleeping it out,  so your body can use all the positive energy for the nursing and the healing needs.  It is perfectly okay,  if the house is in a mess,  the cleaning can wait,  it is OK if the laundry is delayed, it is OK if you forgot to give clothes for ironing.. Focus on the baby,  your mind and body…  Mommies,  sleep when the baby sleeps…

Fathers can step in here to take over the house chores and offer a helping hand in the house while the mother rests…

With the kids born are the pairents and they all are settling into a life, hence a shift from the routine is bound to happen…

Cheers PAIRENTS! 😊

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